Brussels acts against 26 EU countries over renewable energy rule fail

September 26, 2024

Brussels — Almost all EU member states have failed to transfer an EU regulation into national law for the faster approval of renewable energy projects, the European Commission said on Thursday.

Only Denmark informed the European Union’s executive arm, responsible for enforcing EU law, that the regulation had been implemented before a legal deadline of June 1.

As a result the Brussels authority sent a warning letter to Germany and 25 other EU countries calling on them to fully transpose the regulation.

If Germany and the other EU countries fail to notify the commission in good time about the implementation of the directive, the commission may press ahead with the procedure.

This can result in a fine and a case at the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

According to the commission, the directive simplifies and speeds up authorization procedures along with clear deadlines for both renewable energy projects and their necessary infrastructure.

“The fact that Germany has not yet implemented the directive is shocking,” Andrea Wechsler, an EU lawmaker from the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party in Germany said.

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