The largest treasure in history crosses this continent underground: We have a plan to mine its energy

September 23, 2024

Europe has an ambitious goal to achieve net carbon neutrality in the next two decades. To get there, many countries will have to collaborate and invest together in new infrastructure and technology. One plan that aims to achieve this is the HM2ed pipeline that will transport green hydrogen from Spain and Portugal to central Europe via France. Building a pipeline instead of a mine will give Europe better access to this important eco-friendly energy resource.

Spain, France, and Portugal are about to collaborate on a new hydrogen pipeline to prepare Europe for a green future

European countries have been embracing renewable energy for decades. News of the impending climate crisis broke in the 1970s when scientists presented data about how burning fossil fuels was going to warm up the planet. While the U.S. government dismissed the scientists, European powers understood that the warning was real, and various countries began investing in green energy such as solar and wind. The new pipeline project between Spain, Portugal, and France is a testament to Europeans’ commitment to a green future.

Work on the HM2ed pipeline began in 2022. Spain and Portugal have access to hydrogen shipped from America, but there is still no effective transport route between Western and Central Europe. The new route will help European companies and governments gain access to 2 million tons of green hydrogen, but the project will likely cost around 2.5 billion euros. Building the infrastructure will take time, so the pipeline may not be fully operational until 2030.

Green hydrogen is the environmentally friendly buzzword of the year and you don’t even have to mine it

Embracing a future of clean, green energy is going to take forward thinking and innovation. Past methods of using a coal mine and burning fossil fuels are outdated and harmful to the planet. There are multiple sustainable energy options, including wind and solar, but hydrogen has become the trendiest green energy solution this year. Green hydrogen is a treasured commodity that can change the future of many industries, including manufacturing, transportation, aviation, and more.

Hydrogen is an element on the periodic table. It contains just one electron, making it very light and unstable. On Earth, hydrogen has bonded with oxygen to create water. In its pure state, hydrogen can combust when melding with other elements, and that reaction produces energy. Many companies have been mining hydrogen from natural gas, but that creates even more carbon dioxide and pollutes the atmosphere. That’s why European countries are focused on transporting only green hydrogen.

Connecting these two regions of Europe will set the foundation for maximum hydrogen transportation by 2030

Energy-intensive industries such as manufacturing and transportation can’t rely on solar and wind if they want to maintain current productivity levels. That’s where hydrogen comes in. To get these companies the hydrogen they need by 2030, central European companies need access to millions of tons of hydrogen. The HM2ed pipeline will relieve this bottleneck and help fill Europe’s growing hydrogen need.

Despite the high cost of this project and the challenge of working with strict European regulations, Spain, Portugal, and France are moving forward with it. The project will improve energy security in Europe and push the region toward sustainability. Ideally, the pipeline will also boost local economies and encourage job growth.

The HM2ed pipeline aims to provide 10% of Europe’s hydrogen needs. While skeptics are wary of its efficiency and lack of timeliness, the countries involved are enthusiastic about its possibilities. Green hydrogen is going to become increasingly important as large industries attempt to reduce their carbon emissions. If Europe continues to push America to produce low-carbon hydrogen, it will lead the world in a green energy revolution.
