From Years of Experience – In-Depth Documents
This might be one of the most interesting (valuable) sections for Investors and Traders (Beginners or Pros) to improve their ROI and a good resource for managing small private companies that are considering going public. Here, you will find a wealth of insights addressing issues like “Go Public”, “Reverse Merger”, “Trading Psychology”, “Trading Risk” and other expert opinions and have access to downloadable support documentation.
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SWI Takes You Public
GOING PUBLIC by taking small private companies with good core potential, and guiding them through an innovative, cost-effective, and custom-tailored process to become a public company, IS THE CORE COMPETENCY OF SWI. SWI Speaks From Experience The SWI team (management, legal, and auditing) has longstanding experience in this field and has guided a large number of companies through this process; in addition to actually running several small public companies themselves, nothing beats the experience of having been in the CEO’s shoes when confronted with crucial decisions and having gone through the complete process yourself. Read More
Reverse Merger versus IPO
A “Reverse Merger” is an exceptional instrument for taking companies with good potential public and thus creating a valuable instrument for new capitalization for these companies. A “reverse merger” is a method by which a small private company can go public. In a reverse merger, a private company merges with a public company with preferably some assets and liabilities. The publicly traded corporation is called a “public shell” since all that exists is its corporate structure. By merging into such an entity, a private company becomes public immediately. Read More
Investor Relations
SWI has longstanding relationships in the public market through an extensive US and European network. Our investor relations programs target qualified brokers, fund managers, high-net-worth individuals, institutional investors and analysts through multi-faceted programs that generate positive interest for your company or maintain your companies presence in the market. We use a custom-tailored approach for every client program that taps into our powerful resources.
Download a sample IR Program here.
Trading – Trade Like a Pro
The #1 rule in trading in the process of becoming a great trader is to establish clear rules for yourself and strictly follow those rules and keep emotions out of your game; beware of “Greed and Fear”. Many factors will determine your trading style and success, including time available to devote to learning, risk tolerance, financial capacity, and your ability to stick to your strategy, among others. Read More
Trading – Trading Psychology
Why do so many traders fail? Most likely, the one answer would be LACK OF DISCIPLINE. Becoming a successful trader is the ultimate goal that all traders aspire to, yet only a few achieve. Most experienced traders will tell you that staying disciplined is often the single factor that separates the winners from the losers, not trading methods, chart interpretation, proprietary indicators or research, just discipline. Read More
Trading – Trading Risk
There are many facets of a successful trader, one of the most important and possibly most controversial is the question of how much capital to risk per trade. The conventional method heavily promoted on the Internet is to risk no more than 2% of your account balance on any one trade. While you are better off using this method than no method at all, it is a misdirected approach as it does not help mitigate against one of the most common and destructive mistakes a trader can make, trading on emotion. Read More
Trading – Technical Analysis
Technical Analysis is the forecasting of future financial price movements based on examining past price movements. Technical analysis does not result in absolute predictions of the price of a stock or an option. Instead, technical analysis can help investors anticipate what is “likely” to happen to prices over time via various charts that show price over time.
Technical Analysis Part 1
Technical Analysis Part 2
Technical Analysis Part 3
Technical Analysis Part 4
More To Come
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We appreciate credible contributions by Professionals – If we like it, we may publish it.
Contact US
We are happy to talk to you in person or by e-mail at with the subject line “Going Public” or “Investor Relations” as your first step toward becoming a public company.