Elon Musk’s historic net worth compared to the minimum wage

December 18, 2024

Elon Musk’s historic net worth compared to the minimum wage

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has become the first person in history to reach a net worth over $400 billion, as reported by Bloomberg. Following a recent sale of insider SpaceX shares, Musk’s personal net worth skyrocketed to $429.2 billion as of Dec. 12, 2024.It’s an amount of wealth that can be hard to conceptualize. For a person working at the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, it would take more than 6.75 million years working non-stop to earn that much money. See how long it would take in each state in the interactive map below. PHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiPiFmdW5jdGlvbigpeyJ1c2Ugc3RyaWN0Ijt3aW5kb3cuYWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcigibWVzc2FnZSIsKGZ1bmN0aW9uKGUpe2lmKHZvaWQgMCE9PWUuZGF0YVsiZGF0YXdyYXBwZXItaGVpZ2h0Il0pe3ZhciB0PWRvY3VtZW50LnF1ZXJ5U2VsZWN0b3JBbGwoImlmcmFtZSIpO2Zvcih2YXIgYSBpbiBlLmRhdGFbImRhdGF3cmFwcGVyLWhlaWdodCJdKWZvcih2YXIgcj0wO3I8dC5sZW5ndGg7cisrKXtpZih0W3JdLmNvbnRlbnRXaW5kb3c9PT1lLnNvdXJjZSl0W3JdLnN0eWxlLmhlaWdodD1lLmRhdGFbImRhdGF3cmFwcGVyLWhlaWdodCJdW2FdKyJweCJ9fX0pKX0oKTs8L3NjcmlwdD4=

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has become the first person in history to reach a net worth over $400 billion, as reported by Bloomberg. Following a recent sale of insider SpaceX shares, Musk’s personal net worth skyrocketed to $429.2 billion as of Dec. 12, 2024.

It’s an amount of wealth that can be hard to conceptualize. For a person working at the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, it would take more than 6.75 million years working non-stop to earn that much money.

See how long it would take in each state in the interactive map below.

