H2020 Energy project LEAP-RE meets with the African Union

October 7, 2024

On 23rd September, the LEAP-RE coordination team was in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and had the opportunity to meet and discuss with the African Union Head of Energy Division, Ms Sara Elhag, and M. Shehu Ibrahim Khaleel, Electricity Policy and regulatory Expert at the Department of Infrastructure and Energy.

LEAP-RE seeks to create a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders involving government (programme owners and funding agencies), research and academia, private sector, and civil society. Establishing and jointly implementing research, innovation, and capacity-building activities is the main objective of LEAP-RE. 

During their meeting with the African Union, LEAP-RE introduced the two calls for projects launched in 2021 and 2022, with 220+ beneficiary organisations in over 30 countries in Europe and Africa. This bi-continental co-funding mechanism will continue to support renewable energy in the two new calls for projects announced for 2025 and 2026, under the effective guidance of the French National Research Agency (ANR).

LEAP-RE also highlighted their interest and efforts in exploring strategies for scaling future renewable energy innovations through the market uptake of renewable energy technologies specifically tailored to funding RE innovation in Africa. 

Both continents have ambitious strategies such as Africa 2063, the African Continental Master Plan, the Partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) as part of the AU-EU HLPD on Science Technology and Innovation and the AU/EU Innovation Agenda on Green Transition. 

As a long-term partnership with more than 80 African and European stakeholders, LEAP-RE is strategically placed to reduce fragmentation and foster the aligning of existing bilateral and multilateral frameworks on sustainable energy and energy access.

More information:

CORDIS factsheet

LEAP RE website 

LEAP RE Stakeholder Forum in Milan 

Partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) – European Commission (europa.eu)
