How the Energy Grid Works and Why Fossil Fuels Aren’t Going Away

October 19, 2024

Have you ever wondered how electricity actually reaches your home, and why are we still so reliant on fossil fuels like coal and gas to power the grid? The electric grid is a vast and complex system, and it ensures that electricity generated from various sources (fossil fuels, nuclear, and renewables) gets distributed to our homes and businesses across the country.

While renewable energy is growing, fossil fuels remain the backbone of electricity generation due to their reliability and ability to meet constant demand. If we want to address the future of sustainable power, we must first understand how the grid functions, as well as some of the challenges involved in transitioning to cleaner energy. Let’s take a look.

How Electricity is Generated

Electricity generation comes from a variety of sources, each with its own advantages and limitations. The primary methods include burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil), harnessing nuclear energy, and utilizing renewable resources like wind, solar, and hydropower. Each of these methods converts energy into mechanical power, which drives turbines to produce electricity.

Why Fossil Fuels Dominate

Fossil fuel plants burn coal, natural gas, or oil to generate steam that spins turbines, while nuclear plants use nuclear fission to produce heat for the same purpose. Renewables like wind and solar, on the other hand, convert natural forces (wind movement or sunlight) directly into electricity.

Natural gas accounted for 43.1% of U.S. electricity generation in 2023, while renewables supplied about 21.4%, and coal contributed around 16.2%. Nuclear power provided about 18.6% of the total energy mix. While renewables are increasing, the stability offered by fossil fuels and nuclear energy ensures that consistent electricity is available even during periods of low renewable output.

Economic and Practical Constraints of Renewables

Intermittency Issues

One of the major limitations of renewable energy is its intermittency. Solar power is only available during the day and under sunny conditions, while wind power depends on varying wind speeds.

This makes renewables less reliable as standalone energy sources, requiring backup from more consistent sources like coal and gas. For example, fossil fuel plants provide “baseload power,” which ensures the grid can always meet minimum energy demand.

Energy Storage Challenges

Another significant barrier is energy storage. While battery technology has improved, it remains insufficient to store large amounts of energy for long durations. Current storage systems, like lithium-ion batteries, are not capable of storing energy generated by wind and solar farms for extended periods, which means fossil fuel plants are still necessary to fill in the gaps.

The cost of building the required renewable infrastructure, such as solar farms and wind turbines, is also a challenge, particularly in regions where existing fossil fuel plants are already established.

Why Coal and Gas Are Still Important

Coal and natural gas are crucial to grid reliability because of their ability to generate consistent, around-the-clock power. This reliability is essential for maintaining “baseload power,” ensuring that electricity supply meets demand at all times, even when renewable sources like wind and solar aren’t available.

Natural gas, in particular, can quickly ramp up production to fill gaps in renewable generation, making it a valuable tool in balancing the grid.

Despite significant reductions in the cost of renewable energy, fossil fuels remain more cost-effective in regions where coal and gas resources are abundant. The energy density of fossil fuels also allows for large-scale, high-efficiency electricity production.

The Role of Natural Gas as a “Bridge Fuel”

Natural gas is often described as a “bridge fuel” because it provides a lower-carbon alternative to coal while renewable energy technologies mature. It emits less CO₂ than coal and is more efficient, making it a cleaner option for meeting energy needs in the near term.

Modern gas turbine controls allow natural gas plants to be quickly ramped up or down in response to demand fluctuations, compensating for the variability of renewable sources and ensuring a stable electricity supply.

However, natural gas is still a fossil fuel and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, can leak during the extraction and transportation process, offsetting some of the environmental benefits.

While natural gas is an important transitional energy source, the long-term goal must be to phase it out in favor of zero-emission technologies like wind, solar, and advanced nuclear power.

Grid Modernization and Challenges

The current grid infrastructure in many parts of the world is aging and not equipped to handle the rapid rise of renewable energy. Most of the grid was designed decades ago to manage centralized power plants like coal and gas, and it struggles to accommodate the intermittent and distributed nature of renewables like wind and solar.

For example, over 70% of U.S. transmission and distribution lines are more than 25 years old, limiting their ability to support modern energy demands.

Upgrading the grid to handle renewables requires significant investment in technologies like smart grids and energy storage systems. Smart grids allow for real-time monitoring and efficient electricity distribution, helping balance supply from renewable sources.

Technological Innovations Shaping the Future

Several innovations are helping shape the future of energy grids by addressing some of the challenges faced today. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one such technology, and though still emerging, it could play a major role in reducing emissions from natural gas and coal plants during the transition to renewable energy.

Another critical area is energy storage. While lithium-ion batteries are currently the most common, newer technologies like solid-state batteries and flow batteries offer longer durations and greater efficiency. Energy storage is essential for stabilizing the grid as it allows excess energy from renewable sources to be stored during periods of high production and used when production drops.

The Future of Energy Grids

The future of the energy grid depends heavily on innovations like smart grids and decentralized power systems. Smart grids use advanced digital technology to improve grid efficiency and reduce outages, allowing real-time adjustments to balance electricity supply and demand.

Implementing a nationwide smart grid could cut U.S. energy consumption by 12% by 2030, reducing emissions and making the grid more adaptable to renewable energy.

Microgrids, localized energy networks, will also play an increasing role in the future of energy systems. These grids can operate independently from the main grid, making them ideal for remote areas and critical facilities during outages. They can also integrate local renewable energy sources like solar and wind, making energy distribution more resilient and efficient.


Why are we still relying so heavily on fossil fuels despite advancements in renewable energy? The answer lies in the complexities of the electric grid, which demands reliable, constant power that renewables alone can’t yet provide.

Fossil fuels like coal and natural gas continue to play a critical role in stabilizing the grid, while technological innovations like smart grids, energy storage, and carbon capture are gradually shaping a more sustainable future. Until renewable infrastructure and storage solutions can fully support demand, fossil fuels will remain an essential part of the energy mix.