Minnesota Power To Build 2 New Solar Power Plants

September 23, 2024


Minnesota Power is expanding its solar footprint with plans to build two large solar projects in northern Minnesota.

The Regal Solar project will be built near Royalton with 255,000 solar modules on about 800 acres.

The Boswell Solar project will include 180,000 solar modules on about 600 acres.

The two sites will have a combined capacity of around 204 megawatts.

Both projects are expected to be online in mid-2027.

Minnesota Power said it’s all about moving the company toward a goal of providing more than 80 percent renewable energy by 2030 “while working toward meeting the state of Minnesota law calling for carbon-free energy supplies by 2040,” according to ALLETE Vice President and Minnesota Power Chief Operating Officer Josh Skelton.

“Both projects include preferences for local labor, diverse suppliers, and apprenticeships to train tomorrow’s renewable energy workforce,” Skelton said.

