Peru: Green hydrogen promotion act has been amended

September 16, 2024

In brief

On 22 August 2024, Legislative Decree No. 1629 was published, amending Article 2 of Law No. 31992, Law for the Promotion of Green Hydrogen, which aims to promote the development of green hydrogen from renewable energy resources.

The modification introduces a change in the definition of “green hydrogen,” as follows:

Law No. 31992 Modification
Article 2. Definition of green hydrogen.For the purposes of this law, green hydrogen is an energy vector produced with low greenhouse gas emission technologies. Article 2. Definition of green hydrogen.For the purposes of the present law, green hydrogen is obtained from water through processes that use renewable energy resources as a source of energy.

You may recall that Law No. 31992 promotes the generation, production and use of green hydrogen in industry from renewable energies, mainly as an energy vector, as fuel and as an input in industrial processes, either as hydrogen or by-products (fertilizers, organic liquids, methanol and others).

We hope you will find this information useful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any advice in this regard.

Click here to read the Spanish version.

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Claudia Cruces is a lawyer with a focus on power regulation and renewable energies. She has participated in bidding process for the concession of public services, projects and power purchase agreements in the sector. Also, has advised several private companies and public entities regarding the analysis of the regulations. She has also developed practice in national and international arbitrations in power matters.

She is also experienced in mergers and acquisitions, financing, and has participated in the acquisition transactions and sale of companies, assets and shares participations, including mergers, spin-offs, reorganizations and other corporate structures in the sector.

She has advised private companies in the development and operation of generation, transmission and distribution activities. As part of the advice, she has accompanied the clients in procedures before the authorities for the granting of the permits; sanctioning procedures, tariff procedures and controversies. As well, she has experience structuring and negotiating power purchase agreements, construction agreements, operation and maintenance agreements, and transmission agreements.
