Public hearing scheduled for revamped Scotts Bluff County solar energy zoning regs

October 6, 2024

Scotts Bluff County Commissioners will be taking public testimony next week on a new set of zoning regulations for solar energy projects.

The 17-page document is much more detailed than the current county zoning code, which was put together decades ago when renewable energy generation projects in the region were generally small and residential in nature.

The proposed regulations include three project classifications, small, commercial and utility-scale, with much more detailed requirements for site and design standards, application details, construction, operation, safety and decommissioning, especially for commercial and utility-scale proposals.

The hearing is scheduled for shortly after the board meeting starts at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the commissioners’ room inside the county administration building.

EDITOR’S NOTE: An amended version of the proposed regulations was not available at the time of publication; the original version as presented to the County Planning Commission Sept. 10 can be found here, along with the meeting minutes noting specific changes here.
