Solar Is Good For Nantucket

October 10, 2024

To the editor: Many of my friends know I have been an outspoken proponent of renewable energy on Nantucket for over three decades. Even, and especially, ocean-based wind turbines, which we all know have had their problems of late. I hope there are some workable solutions for that on the horizon.

Pun intended.

Be that as it may, one form of renewable energy that I’ve had zero problems with is solar. Our solar journey started almost a year ago when we first received quotes from installers. We went with the Nantucket-based installer, ACK Smart, and our system was installed early last spring. The ACK Smart crew was all over it (the project, and our roof), and they took care of all of the details for permitting and inspections.

We received our $6,000 solar rebate from the town this summer. We have ample state and federal tax breaks to look forward to. And we haven’t paid an electric bill since May. Plus, we cut our propane costs dramatically when we replaced our ailing propane system with a high-efficiency heat pump (which provides us with heat and air-conditioned bliss and also delivers a hefty rebate through MassSave). When our gas stove, dryer, and water heater give up the ghost, we will go all-electric.

Not only is our new solar system good for us, but it benefits the island indirectly as well by lessening the need for a third electric cable. Plus it’s clean energy. And that’s a good thing, as we all now know.

I only wish that more people could take advantage of solar, like my neighbor across the cul de sac, who would install a system except that his home faces south. I know that the HDC cares about the historic integrity of our neighborhoods, but my neighborhood has only been around since 1980. Surely, a few black rectangles visible from our private one-way street are not going to make Nantucket’s Quaker forebearers turn over in their graves?

Here’s hoping the rules can change so more and more people can take advantage of solar. If anyone has any questions about getting a system for their home, they should feel free to stop me in the grocery store.

Grant Sanders