Switzerland is covering the Alps with solar panels: They have transformed its most recognizable landscape

September 20, 2024

The Swiss Alps offer views of some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes in the world. Movies such as The Sound of Music (1965) instilled images of these gorgeous mountains into the hearts and minds of people all over the globe. The landscape of Switzerland is about to change drastically as the government embraces renewable energy and sets up massive solar panel farms on mountaintops and in reservoirs.

The iconic mountains of Switzerland will soon be home to massive solar energy farms

Like most other industrialized nations, Switzerland relies heavily on fossil fuels for energy needs. The country has been slow in transitioning to renewable energy, but it has one advantage that many other places don’t: the Swiss Alps. The mountains of Switzerland tower over the landscape at around 10,000 to 15,0000 feet. Placing solar panels on the Swiss Alps could give Switzerland a massive renewable energy boost.

There are many benefits to using solar panels in mountainous regions. First, the higher up you go, the less usable the land is. At higher elevations, land is usually arid and is hard to live on, so it doesn’t have much use besides housing solar panels. There is much less competition for land use in mountainous areas. Another huge benefit is that solar panels on mountains are closer to the sun and can generate more electricity than panels at lower elevations.

Solar energy has caused a stir in local communities in the Swiss Alps as people wrestle with change

Not everyone in Switzerland is happy about the fact that the government wants to build solar farms in the Swiss Alps. Many residents are crying out about the potential impact on tourism and local economies. Hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to Switzerland every year to experience the pure magic of the mountains. If they look up and see solar panels dotting the view, they may be less likely to come back the next year. The question is whether or not this risk is worth the benefit of embracing solar energy in the mountains.

On the other hand, some Swiss people are proud of their government for moving toward a sustainable future. In the winter, many Swiss have to rely on non-renewable energy sources because home-installed solar panels aren’t efficient. Industrial-size solar farms in the mountains can help power homes and businesses even on harsh winter days because the mountain solar panels have better access to sunlight.

A combination of floating solar panels and mountaintop installments will help Switzerland reduce CO2 emissions

Switzerland is committed to helping the world fight climate change, and that means the country needs to do its part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Mountaintop solar panels are one part of the equation, but the government is also exploring floating solar farms that can be installed in reservoirs. The country has many reservoirs at high elevations, and placing solar panels on top of the water could add yet another great source of renewable energy.

Using solar panels is another way to reduce competition for land use in small countries like Switzerland. Another benefit of these panels being on water is that the water has a natural cooling effect, which helps the panels work efficiently for longer. The panels covering the surface also reduce the amount of water evaporating from the reservoirs, helping to conserve water. With the right technology and placement, floating solar panels could revolutionize Switzerland’s energy industry.

While not everyone can agree on where Switzerland should put new solar farms, it’s clear that the people want to make sustainability a top priority. Fossil fuels will run out in the future, and to prevent Switzerland from experiencing an energy crisis, the country needs to diversify its energy profile with wind and solar.