This solar panel has heating and air conditioning: The secret is in its strange color

September 30, 2024

A solar panel with heating and air conditioning breaks into the energy sector and surprises the industry. The secret of its success lies in its strange color. If you thought you had seen it all with the most futuristic solar panel ever, you can’t miss what’s coming next. The world is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and the transition to renewable energy sources. The high environmental footprint of fossil fuels is forcing mankind to look for new ways of supply.

In this context, solar panels have taken center stage as an energy tool par excellence. They are known all over the planet and used by both individual users and relevant companies, on buildings, houses, fields and other surfaces. They offer a clean, renewable solution that promises a brighter, greener future for everyone, an aspect that is especially important given the current scenario.

They capture sunlight, an inexhaustible and clean source of energy, converting solar radiation into electricity without producing environmentally harmful emissions. This significantly reduces dependence on polluting fossil fuels. Under these circumstances, several companies are working to improve this technology that has given so much satisfaction to human beings. Now has come a solar panel that has heating and air conditioning with a strange color that has the world in suspense.

The most mysterious solar panel in the world: has heating and air conditioning

A Polish researcher has invented a radiative cooling panel that reduces the consumption of air conditioning. It is a radiative cooling panel, which harnesses the cold of space for comfort on earth. Under the firm Kuuler, it develops a revolutionary passive radiative cooling technology. The goal is to substantially lower the cost of cooling with an optimal method for industrial and individual applications.

The inspiration came during a vacation in southern Europe. There the temperatures exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. His time in this part of the world highlighted the difference between people who could afford cooling systems and those who could not. After reading a scientific article on thermal radiation, the founders, Michał Kukulski and Agnieszka Biskup-Żbikowska, decided to conduct an experiment that proved successful. Later, Dr. Marta Michalska Domańska joined the team.

Kuuler technology uses the reflection of sunlight in the visible and infrared spectrum (7-10 µm). Its infrared radiation passes through the air without heating it, an aspect that improves heat dissipation and makes it possible to cool the painted surface below ambient temperature. An effect achieved by means of BaSO4 (barium sulfate) molecules of a specific size.

Keys to the solar panel with heating and air-conditioning

It should be noted that this technology has three key elements. The first is the paint, which has a higher total radiation emission than absorption especially in the atmospheric sales spectrum. On the other hand, the second key element is the panel covered with paint.

It has a lightweight structure, installed on the roofs, encompasses a liquid inlet in which the fluid temperature is higher on entering than on leaving, even when under moderate or low solar exposure. The next phase of testing will analyze the behavior of the technology under higher solar exposure and insulation.

The third key point of this solar panel is air conditioning. It is connected to a cooling unit, taking advantage of the coolness acquired. Currently, the prototype has an efficiency of 58 W/m2 in the shade and 38 W/m2 in direct sunlight.

Kuuler has validated a concept prototype and plans to continue the research for five years until this solar panel can be commercialized with heating and air conditioning. A feat that is likely to be on par with the first solar panel with a life of its own.
