Useful Experiences of Hungary in the Process of Switching to renewable Energy Sources

October 26, 2024

The Federal Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry Vedran Lakić held a meeting with the Minister of Energy of Hungary Csaba Lantos during a two-day visit to the Hungarian delegation of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, headed by Prime Minister Nermin Nikšić, announced the Public Relations Office of the Government of FBiH, referring to the statement of the Federal Ministry of Energy , mining and industry.

This meeting was also attended by the director of Elektroprivreda BiH Sanel Buljubasic and the executive directors of Elektroprivreda HZ HB Sonja Sušac and Vitomir Dodig.

– Hungarian experiences with electricity production are very important to us, from how they switched from thermal power plants to renewable energy sources, to how they get electricity from gas. In the process of green transition, in which our country is, every experience, advice and recommendation is useful and welcome. We invited the minister and directors of public companies to be our guests – said Minister Lakić.

In the statement of the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry, they state that the directors of the two power companies had the opportunity to present their companies and the way they produce electricity, which aroused the interest of the Hungarian partners. They add that the Hungarian Ministry of Energy has only been in existence for two years, but it already has a plan to rely mostly on renewable energy sources by 2050 – solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and hydrogen.

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– Their experiences will certainly be useful to us and we are grateful that they are ready to share their knowledge with us, and especially that they expressed their willingness to help us in the process of green transition and our country’s accession to the European Union – said Minister Lakić.

Federal ministers Vojin Mijatović, Nerin Dizdar and Kemal Hrnjić and directors of public companies, as well as large private companies interested in business cooperation with Hungarian partners, are in the delegation of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was announced.
