Connecting Foreign and US Exchanges
June 20, 2017
Connecting Foreign and US Exchanges – Changing the Landscape
Qualifying public companies from the Colombo Stock Exchange
in Sri Lanka to list on the OTC Market in the US.
Post-Listing activities handled by Launchpad and Stockwatchindex
Los Angeles, CA. June 20, 2017. Launchpad and StockWatchIndex announce today that as of March 24, 2017, the Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka has been designated as a Qualified Foreign Exchange by OTC Markets Group Inc.
LaunchPad is part of the group of experts that has been instrumental in the qualification process and is managing the complex process for the qualification of publicly traded companies from the Colombo Stock Exchange to list on the OTC Market in the US. Because of the group’s effort, the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) has been designated as a Qualified Foreign Exchange by OTC Markets Group Inc. As a result, effective immediately, companies listed on the Colombo Exchange may apply to qualify for trading on the OTCQX, OTCQB and Pink markets in the U.S.
“We are excited to recognize the Colombo Stock Exchange as a Qualified Foreign Exchange, which will allow Sri Lanka listed companies to qualify for trading on our premium OTCQX and OTCQB markets. We look forward to welcoming more Sri Lankan companies to the U.S. markets,” said Jason Paltrowitz, Executive Vice President of Corporate Services at OTC Markets Group Inc.
The group, consisting of Stanley Wunderlich, CEO of LaunchPad IR and William Rosenstadt, managing partner of Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP in New York has been instrumental in the qualification process of the CSE. As a leading sponsor of companies on the U.S. OTC markets, LaunchPad, supported by StockWatchIndex, is now able to introduce CSE-listed companies to the world’s largest capital market and help them greatly expand their presence in the U.S.
After the companies having been approved by the OTC, the recently formed bi-coastal alliance between Launchpad and StockWatchIndex will continue to handle the post-listing marketing activities for many of these companies in the US market. “This opportunity should change the landscape for CSE-listed issuers”: stated Stanley Wunderlich, CEO of Consulting for Strategic Growth and LaunchPad IR.
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