Holland, with parade scene filmed in Clarksville, premieres this week on Amazon Prime

March 24, 2025

Holland, with parade scene filmed in Clarksville, premieres this week on Amazon Prime | VIDEO

Clarksville NowHolland, starring Nicole Kidman, begins filming their parade scene in downtown Clarksville, April 18, 2023. (Jordan Renfro)

CLARKSVILLE, TN (CLARKSVILLE NOW) – A movie with a pivotal scene filmed on historic Franklin Street in Clarksville premieres this week on Amazon Prime, and the trailer has been released.

In April 2023, film crews descended on downtown Clarksville to create a parade scene for the movie Holland, starring Nicole Kidman.

According to Amazon, Holland is a “wildly unpredictable thriller” directed by Mimi Cave: “Nicole Kidman is the meticulous Nancy Vandergroot, a teacher and homemaker whose picture-perfect life with her community pillar husband (Matthew Macfadyen) and son (Jude Hill) in tulip-filled Holland, Michigan, tumbles into a twisted tale. Nancy and her friendly colleague (Gael García Bernal) become suspicious of a secret, only to discover nothing in their lives is what it seems.”

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