Albany woman admits to mailing cannabis-soaked letters to inmates

March 19, 2025

An Albany woman has admitted mailing letters soaked with cannabis to inmates at correctional facilities.

Maya McIntosh, 33, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court pm Tuesday to conspiracy charges in connection with manufacturing and distributing a controlled substance.

McIntosh admitted that beginning in January 2023 through July 2024, McIntosh manufactured the cannabinoid. She ordered chemicals, which were shipped to her residence and to a co-conspirator, the U.S. District Attorney’s Office said. She created the compound, which was in liquid form, and then sprayed and soaked the liquid onto copy paper and business envelopes, according to prosecutors.

McIntosh disguised the envelops as legal mail by stamping names of actual attorneys. Inmates paid her to mail these letters.

McIntosh faces a maximum term of 20 years in prison when sentenced.

