Cannabis-beverage bill clears House committee

March 12, 2025

News Releases are provided by the LRC Public Information Office. All photos are attributed to LRC Staff. Cannabis-beverage bill clears House committee March 12, 2025 Sen. Julie Raque Adams, R-Louisville, explains the updated version of Senate Bill 202 to the House Licensing, Occupations and Administrative Regulations Committee on Wednesday. The bill would impose new regulations on cannabis-infused beverages. A high-resolution photo can be found here. FRANKFORT — A Senate bill that would impose new regulations on cannabis-infused beverages in Kentucky took another step toward final passage on Wednesday. Sen. Julie Raque Adams, R-Louisville, told the House Licensing, Occupations and Administrative Regulations Committee that Senate Bill 202 would put reasonable, common sense public health guardrails in place for cannabis-infused beverages. Adams said she began working on the bill after hearing about the beverages and their potency during an interim meeting in September. “This is some really serious stuff that’s out there,” Adams said. “Everybody from that September meeting started coming to the table and talking about how we can put some controls on this to protect kids from getting their hands on it.” Individuals under the age of 21 would be prohibited from purchasing a cannabis-infused beverage under SB 202. Adams said the recently updated version of SB 202 would define a cannabis-infused beverage as a cannabinoid-liquid, intoxicating product that does not contain more than 5 milligrams per a 12-ounce serving. The drinks would fall under the purview of the Division of Distilled Spirits and retail regulations enforcement would be handled by the state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), Adams said. The state Cabinet for Health and Family Services would continue to regulate the manufacturing and testing of the products, she added. For retailers that currently have products on the shelves at more than 5 milligrams, Adams said they would… Continue Reading 
