Focus Placed On Environment And Economy

March 10, 2025

Photo by Bob Vosseller

  PLUMSTED – Township officials introduced several ordinances that create or revamp citizen panels focusing on the local environment, economy and agriculture during their latest Committee meeting.

  Ordinance 2025-01 calls for repealing prior ordinances concerning the township’s environmental committee in order to reorganize it become an Environmental Commission, the powers of which are different.

  A municipal commission is typically a group of individuals appointed to perform a specific task or make decisions. They are often given a specific mandate and have the authority to carry out their duties independently.

  A committee is a group of individuals who come together to discuss and make recommendations on a particular issue or topic. Committees are usually formed within a legislative body and are tasked with studying and reporting on specific issues.

  Both commissions and committees involve groups of people working together towards a common goal but commissions tend to have more decision-making power and authority than committees. Members are typically appointed by a higher authority in both cases.

  The township’s Environmental Committee includes Chairman John Neyenhouse, Edward and Beverley Vienckowski, Stacy Reed, Barbara Mislick, Dolores Jenkins, Libby Witham and Kerrie Gaskill/Towles.

  Committeeman Leonard Grilletto voted against the ordinance’s introduction saying it would be “adding more bureaucracy to the township. We are giving it more power in it becoming a commission.”

  Ordinance 2025-02 will allow the township to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a cap bank for the year. This is a very common move for towns to do.

  The third ordinance, 2025-03 will create an Economic and Business Development Commission and Grilletto who previously advocated to boost business in the community voted no saying, “for the same reason I voted against (ordinance) 01.” The rest of the Committee voted for it.

  Ordinance 2025-04 which would form an Agriculture Advisory Committee (AAC), was unanimously voted on.

  A public hearing will be held on each of the ordinances during their second reading during the Committee’s meeting of March 5.

  Among the items on the Committee’s consent agenda were resolutions authorizing various appointments to committees of the township, and awarding a contract to Remington & Vernick Engineers for a certified tax map preparation.

  During the Committee reports portion of the meeting Committeeman Thomas Potter noted that he was working on an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) playground upgrade grant with Ocean County and some others.

   “Jersey Shore Power & Light sent us some information,” Potter added. He said that a power line would be updated that would cross Colliers Mills Road. There will also be an upgrade involving Cookstown and Brindletown Road. “That will upgrade that part of our town.”

  Committeeman Grilletto reported that the Pinelands Commission is hosting a seminar on March 8 about the Pinelands that will take place at Stockton University.

  Mayor Robert Bowen noted he and Committeeman James Hagelstein’s attendance at the Primary School at an event called the Kindness Challenge. “The children were adorable and very well behaved. Everyone had a great time. The teachers also had a very good time.”

  “Committeeman Grilletto and I had our first Finance Committee budget workshop meeting with our Chief Finance Officer and our business administrator. A little different from previous years, the preparation for the budget is being done by the staff who is taking the lead on that,” the mayor said.

  Mayor Bowen added, “As liaison to the Fire District they have asked for us to submit for grants for 2025 as part of their budget.”

  “Also due to a change in his work schedule our current OEM (Office of Emergency Management) Coordinator has submitted his resignation so we are in need of another coordinator,” the mayor added. He noted there might be some strong candidates who live just outside the township and that it was challenging to attract interested people to that position so there might be further discussion on the requirements of the position.

