Food, Health, and Environmental Justice Intertwine in Atlanta

March 26, 2025

Some researchers get hooked into a niche and spend their entire career specializing in it. Others, like Dr. Eri Saikawa, go wherever the research takes them. On February 28, the Emory University professor spoke about her broad experiences in environmental science for Duke’s Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program (ITEHP). Her research journey has hardly been restricted to any one subject–she’s modeled air pollution, investigated plastic burning, and tested alternatives to synthetic fertilizers that release excessive nitrogen. Yet, what I found most interesting was the work that occurred, and subsequent story that unfolded, just a half hour away from Emory in the Westside of Atlanta. 

Within the U.S., areas of high food insecurity are predominantly located in the Southeast. By allowing residents to “adopt” vacant properties to create urban farms and gardens, the City of Atlanta has made efforts to increase access to local, fresh food through their AgLanta “Grows-A-Lot” program.

Food Deserts in the US as defined by the USDA. US Department of Agriculture

“We thought, that’s a great idea,” Saikawa said. But there was a potential issue. “Are you testing [the soil in] these places before you let people grow?”

As it turns out, the answer was no.

In a very ordinary looking lot, Saikawa found soil containing 430.9 parts per million (ppm) of lead, easily exceeding the EPA screening level of 400 ppm at the time (which has since been lowered to 200 ppm). Immediately concerned, she sought more testing.

In 2018, she and her team at Emory partnered with local organization Historic Westside Gardens to collect samples in both residential areas and community gardens. Most of these were located in Westside Atlanta, which is predominantly Black and low-income. Out of the 19 test sites, three contained lead beyond EPA screening levels and the majority exceeded the state gardening screening level of 75 ppm.

“What was very disheartening for us was that…one of [the three] was a children’s garden,” Saikawa said. While state and federal guidelines are subject to change throughout time, there is no safe level of lead for children.

How much was this impacting the neurological development of local kids? She couldn’t find the answers. “I realized that this is something that I, as a modeler…was not trained to do,” Saikawa said. “I thought that I would be simulating, and then telling the results as it happens in the model. I was not trained to talk to people about the real issue.”

Thus began a sort of pivot into more community-engaged work. Residents began bringing their own samples to be tested, many of which were rock pieces that contained roughly 3000 ppm of lead. They weren’t just rock, but slag–a waste product of smelting.

It was now evident how soil concentrations could’ve reached such levels. “After this…we actually went around the neighborhoods and we saw these everywhere…This was apparently dumped in the 50s or 60s, and they’ve been dealing with it without knowing that that’s what they have,” Saikawa said.

Sam Peters, one of Saikawa’s doctoral students at the time, reported it to the EPA. Now, a portion of Westside Atlanta is a Superfund site on the National Priorities List. Through further testing and investigation from the EPA, the site grew from an initial 60 properties to 2087, most of which exceed the 400 ppm threshold.

Vine City and English Avenue are the main neighborhoods affected by the Superfund site. Westside Future Fund

However, it’s not accurate to paint Westside as an environmental success story. Saikawa points out that the EPA cuts down trees on the site during the remediation process, increasing heat exposure to an already vulnerable population.

More importantly, many fear that gentrification will follow remediation, which often pushes out renters as the area opens up to development for the wealthier. As much as 40% of affected residents live below the poverty line. When community members have to weigh health with economic impact, the latter sometimes wins out. “One of the residents told me that the pushback to testing the soil in the Westside is because this happened 25 years ago as well…When that happened, people were displaced,” Saikawa said. For this reason, some have chosen not to have their soil tested.

Hesitance to testing also steps from mistrust build up over the years. Saikawa said, “A lot of research has been done on these underserved communities without providing the results back, and they were definitely being taken advantage of. And so when I say I’m from Emory, some people are like, why would I work with you?” This issue presented a challenge when they collected soil samples initially, and it presented a challenge as the Saikawa Lab and community organizations sought to increase blood testing for lead in children.

Beyond lead and contaminants in general, neighborhoods in Westside Atlanta face a far higher cumulative health risk. While these wicked problems evade easy solutions, it’s clear that addressing such issues will require deliberate engagement and collaboration on those most affected. “[Community partners] have taught me a lot…So if anybody is interested in working in the community, like community-based participatory work, it’s really hard now. But I do encourage you to do that,” Saikawa said.

By Crystal Han, Class of 2028