Harnessing Ocean Currents to Power the Future

March 27, 2025

As global electricity use grows, the strain on traditional energy sources increases. Renewable options like wind and solar have become popular, yet there’s a massive, largely untapped resource beneath ocean waves.

Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth’s surface and hold enormous potential to generate clean electricity through ocean currents. Unlike wind or solar energy, ocean currents flow steadily and predictably, providing consistent power production. Still, harvesting ocean energy is just beginning.

Until recently, scientists lacked comprehensive global data on ocean current energy. Many studies examined ocean currents regionally, but few evaluated worldwide potential with real measurements. That changed with a recent study led by scientists who analyzed over 30 years of data collected from drifting buoys around the globe. More than 43 million data points from these buoys helped scientists understand where ocean currents are strongest and most consistent.

The findings, published in the journal Renewable Energy, highlight promising areas, especially off Southeast Florida and South Africa. These regions feature powerful ocean currents ideal for generating electricity.

Global average power density calculated using drifter data in W/m^2. (CREDIT: ScienceDirect)
Global average power density calculated using drifter data in W/m^2. (CREDIT: Renewable Energy)

Ocean currents here reach power densities above 2,500 watts per square meter, making them 2.5 times stronger than top wind energy sites. The relatively shallow water—about 300 meters deep—makes these spots even better suited for energy extraction.

“Our study revealed that about 75% of high-power density areas cover around 490,000 square kilometers of ocean. Most have energy levels between 500 and 1,000 watts per square meter,” explained researcher Mahsan Sadoughipour, Ph.D. “This suggests a lot of potential for harvesting energy from ocean currents, especially in areas with moderate yet useful power densities.”

While the study provides hope, ocean current energy isn’t easy to capture. Deep water and strong currents create significant engineering challenges. Regions like Japan, Brazil, and parts of South Africa have powerful currents, but extracting energy from these locations is more difficult. Water depths exceeding 1,000 meters increase installation and maintenance costs, requiring advanced technology.

“The depth and strength of ocean currents greatly affect how turbines must be placed,” explained James H. VanZwieten Jr., Ph.D., an assistant professor involved in the study. “Strong currents near the surface occur at depths ranging from 250 meters to over 3,000 meters, complicating turbine deployment. We need specialized technology and strong mooring systems to handle these conditions.”

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Additionally, ocean currents vary by season, influencing when energy production is highest. For example, the U.S. East Coast sees stronger currents in warmer months, aligning well with increased energy use for cooling homes and businesses. South Africa also experiences peak ocean current strength in its summer months.

The study underscores the importance of accurate measurements. Data from regions like North America and Japan proved reliable, matching closely with previous studies. However, limited data in areas like South Africa and northern Brazil made precise evaluations more difficult.

“Regions like Brazil and South Africa have limited measurements, making predictions less certain,” said researcher Yufei Tang, Ph.D. “Expanding data collection through methods like acoustic Doppler current profilers could improve estimates, helping unlock their full energy potential.”

Accurate assessments matter because predicting energy output is critical for successful ocean energy projects. Without precise information, it becomes challenging to convince companies to invest in building ocean current turbines.

Global map of data point distribution per 0.05° x  0.05° block.
Global map of data point distribution per 0.05° x 0.05° block. (CREDIT: Renewable Energy)

This research points clearly toward ocean currents as a significant future energy source, but turning potential into reality requires dedicated investment.

Current technologies must be improved, and new solutions need to be developed. Establishing ocean-based energy farms demands detailed planning, including mapping ocean current strength, selecting optimal sites, and overcoming environmental hurdles.

“Accurate estimates of ocean current energy depend on several factors, including data density, flow variability, and measurement methods,” explained Stella Batalama, Ph.D., dean of engineering at the institution conducting the research. “Careful consideration of these factors ensures that ocean current energy becomes a reliable addition to global renewable resources.”

Advancements in turbine technology and stronger, more durable equipment suited for harsh ocean conditions will be necessary. Addressing environmental concerns is also essential. Installing ocean turbines might impact marine ecosystems, requiring careful planning to minimize harm.

Calculated average power density off SE North America (Florida to North Carolina) and the corresponding RRMSE.
Calculated average power density off SE North America (Florida to North Carolina) and the corresponding RRMSE. (CREDIT: Renewable Energy)

The research was supported by major institutions like the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy. Their backing emphasizes the importance of developing this clean energy resource.

“This groundbreaking research further solidifies Southeast Florida as one of the premier locations for harnessing ocean current power,” said Gabriel Alsenas, director of a marine renewable energy center involved in the study. “We’re proud to lead the way, incubating cutting-edge technologies that boost regional energy security and help achieve national energy independence.”

As technology progresses and more data is gathered, ocean currents could become a crucial part of meeting future energy demands. With global electricity needs steadily rising, tapping into ocean energy offers a sustainable, dependable option, particularly for coastal communities and islands relying heavily on imported fuels.

Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.