Here’s all the contestants on Netflix’s Million Dollar Secret
March 24, 2025
Cara Keis

Age: 29
Occupation: Cook
Instagram: @caralidia
Cara is a cook and works at fast food chain, In-N-Out Burger. She believes her game nights with her friends and family have helped her prepared for the Netflix show. Her biggest worry, however, is developing close bonds with people and then having to send them home…
Chris Allen

Age: 34
Occupation: CEO
Instagram: callennd
Chris is a 34-year-old Ivy League Graduate. He owns his own start-up company, Osena Spiked Coconut Water, which deals with naturally occurring electrolytes made from coconut water. He’s hoping to get the other players to trust him in the game, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be completely honest. In the game, Chris will present himself as a struggling businessman rather than a successful CEO.
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Corey Niles
Age: 38
Occupation: Builder
Instagram: @1coreyniles
Corey has been working on his strategy for The Million Dollar Secret for months now, writing in his journal: “Let them judge you, let them misunderstand you, let them gossip about you. Their opinions are not your problems.” He hopes to use his initiative in order to suss out who the millionaire is.
Harry Donenfeld
Age: 59
Occupation: Photographer
Instagram: @harrydonenfeld
Harry is one of the oldest contestants in Million Dollar Secret. Having worked as photographer for various millionaires, Harry is in familiar territory. He’s hoping his ability to dodge questions will get him to the end of the game.
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Jaimi Alexander
Age: 42
Occupation: Life coach
Instagram: @jaimialexander
Life coach Jaimi, 42, plans on paying attention to everything her fellow players are saying in order to figure out their game plan. She worries being too “nice” might be her weakness in the game and that throwing other players under the bus will be a challenge.
Kyle Wimberly
Age: 27
Occupation: Construction worker
Instagram: @kyle_wimberley
One of the youngest players on The Million Dollar Secret, Kyle doesn’t consider himself to be the best liar. He’ll therefore be relying on the “hide-in-plain-sight” method and will try to be as honest as possible throughout the game.
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Lauren Jean
Age: 35
Occupation: Stay-at-home mum
Instagram: @laurenmidwest
Lauren is a devoted mum-of-three. She hopes to win over the trust of her fellow players with her likeable personality. She previously worked as a school counsellor, which could come in handy on the Netflix show.
Lydia Blair
Age: 64
Occupation: Retired real estate agent
Instagram: @lydiatexasgrandma
Lydia is the eldest contestant in the game and plans to use her age as an advantage, hoping players will think she’s just a ‘typical grandma’. Lydia has played poker for over 30 years and believes her skills will help her in the competition.
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Phillip Roundtree
Age: 41
Occupation: College professor
Instagram: @phil_roundtree
Dr. Phillip Roundtree has 15 years of experience as a therapist, so will be using his ability to read people to win the game. He is worried that this could work against him, as he admits that he sometimes over-analyses people.
Samantha Hubbard
Age: 41
Occupation: Police officer
Instagram: @sammysep
Samantha, 41, is a police officer who also models. She believes she is good at convincing people and will not hesitate to manipulate other players’ emotions when the opportunity presents itself.
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Se Young Metzroth
Age: 35
Occupation: Systems VP
Instagram: @seyoung
Se Young is a video game researcher, who also loves board games. In order to get to the final, she hopes to go under the radar in the competition. As a true gamer, Se Young has been trying to find ways of surviving the Million Dollar Secret by lying to people around her about insignificant things.
Sydnee Falkner
Age: 32
Occupation: Medical sales
Instagram: @syd_liana_
Sydnee might just look like your average 30-year-old, but in reality, she grew up in Alaska and at one point, worked as a maintenance tech in -80 degree conditions. She’s hoping her fellow contestants won’t see her as a threat and will underestimate her.
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