KU Engineering department to host 75th Annual Environmental Engineering Conference

March 27, 2025

LAWRENCE — On April 16, the Department of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering within the University of Kansas School of Engineering will host experts in the field of environmental engineering for a conference exploring the latest developments.

“This year’s theme, ‘Preparing to Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges,’ emphasizes the importance of being ready for the uncertainties that lie ahead,” said Kazi Parvez Fattah, conference chair and teaching professor with the department. “It highlights how we can best equip ourselves to navigate the unknown.”

The 75th Annual Environmental Engineering Conference will run from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Kansas Union. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. with opening remarks at 8:30 a.m.

The conference agenda spans a wide range of critical topics in environmental engineering, from drinking water and sustainable wastewater treatment to water pollution, air quality and cybersecurity in the industry.

To register and preview the complete conference schedule, please visit the event website.

Event speakers:

Some of the event speakers include:

  • Jesse Bell, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Jason Beyer, WaterOne
  • Kelli Deuth, Ramboll
  • Alexandra Doody, CDM Smith
  • Will Franke, Burns & McDonnell
  • Peter Gaskamp, WaterOne
  • Robert Gavin, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
  • Murthy Kasi, Olsson
  • Theresa Kopper, CDM Smith
  • Ed Kobylinski, Olsson
  • Josephine Lau, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Tony Layzell, Kansas Geological Survey
  • Scott Martin, Burns & McDonnell
  • Scott Miller, Black & Veatch
  • Kevin Morley, American Water Works Association
  • Erin Seybold, KU Department of Geology & Kansas Geological Survey
  • Nishit Shetty, KU Department of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
  • Cathy Tucker-Vogel, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
  • Douglas Watson, Department of Health and Environment.

This conference will offer networking opportunities for industry experts and vendors in the environmental engineering field. Early bird registration for this event ends April 2.

For more information, contact Emma Herrman, outreach and communication coordinator, at envconf@ku.edu.