Medicinal uses for marijuana take center stage at Maine Cannabis Expo

March 9, 2025

AUGUSTA, Maine (WABI) – Folks looking for alternative medicinal products outside the pharmaceutical industry gathered in Augusta Sunday afternoon.

Medical Marijuana Caregivers of Maine held the winter session of their Maine Cannabis Expo from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday at the Augusta Civic Center.

The expo was open to the public, and geared towards the medical programs that MMCM advocates for.

Around 35 different cannabis vendors featured a wide array of products, ranging from different snacks, candies, and drinks to assorted tinctures and creams.

MMCM Chair Tammy Smith emphasized the importance of their legal work, and advocating for patients who use medical cannabis as part of their treatment.

“Not only do people treat illnesses such as cancer, fibromyalgia, different thing like that; it helps with anxiety, it helps with pain,” said Smith. “A lot of my patients are elderly, and they’re just looking for pain relief that’s not a pharmaceutical.”

MMCM is currently advocating for Maine LD929, which is a bill in the Maine Legislature that would grant free access to the medicinal use of cannabis to veterans and those over the age of 65.

“Cannabis has been a medicinal plant for as long as humans have been using medicine,” said MMCM Co-Chair Kristi Shaw. “It’s a plant that we all believe in, and have invested our lives in being a part of.”

If you missed Sunday’s expo, or are thinking about getting you medical card in the near future, MMCM is hosting their larger expo in August.

For more details on that event and to learn more about what MMCM does throughout the state of Maine, you can visit their website.


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