Minnesota Power Outlines Future Plans for Renewable Energy

March 4, 2025

DULUTH, Minn.– Minnesota Power is striving to achieve 90% renewable energy by 2035.

And to make this happen, they’re unveiling the next chapter of their “EnergyForward” plan.

Minnesota Power is currently outlining its 2025 “Integrated Resource Plan” or “IRP”

The plan looks 15 years into the future, and it focuses on providing reliable energy while reducing carbon emissions.

If approved, the agenda is an “EnergyForward” plan.

By 2035, we would see 400 megawatts of new wind projects, the removal of their last coal fired generation, replacing it with natural gas energy.

Minnesota Power said the final coal fired electric steam generating units would solely run on natural gas by 2030.

A final decision on this IRP is expected sometime in 2026.

