New studies shows how cannabis consumers view driving while high

March 20, 2025

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) – A new study from the American Automobile Association, or AAA, shows “how cannabis consumers view driving while high.”

Two separate, yet complimentary studies were conducted. First, “to analyze cannabis consumers’ thoughts, perceptions, and reasons for driving under the influence,” and second, “develop messages that might deter this behavior in the future.”

In regards to driving while impaired, 46.9% believe there is no impact on their motor skills, 14.7% believe they drive a “little better,” and 19.4% think they drive “much better.”

Shown as well in the study is that “consuming then driving is common.” 84.8% said they drive the same day they consume cannabis, with “53% saying they have consumed cannabis an hour or less before driving.”

“We’re seeing more, you know, impaired driving, it’s becoming more common and there’s a heightened risk of crashes, injuries, and fatalities…unlike alcohol, cannabis affects drivers in more complex ways,” said Adrienne Woodland, a AAA spokesperson.

Woodland says that effects can vary for each person, but can include: fatigue and sleepiness, brain fog, changes to visual or audio perception, impaired body movement, and hallucinations and delusions.

The second part of the study showed “Messages that highlighted personal responsibility and safety concerns performed better than messages based on legal risks.”

Lt. Rene Gonzalez from the Michigan State Police says that driving impaired is still a crime.

“If you’re breaking the law and you’re too impaired to drive that vehicle, you’re gonna go to jail, and you’re going to be charged with that offense,” he said.

Local residents think this is an issue, and have seen it happen on the road.

“I have actually at an intersection, people nodding out when the light turns green, you can tell they’re on some type of substance,” said one resident.

While others would like to see police work to help cut down the amount of high drivers.

“Well I think they need to come up with a plan where they can do some type of sobriety test, pull them over if they’re driving inappropriately,” said Joni Taylor.

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