NYS Office of Cannabis Management shares safety tips during National Poison Prevention Week

March 17, 2025

NEW YORK (WBNG) — This week marks National Poison Prevention Week, and the New York State Office of Cannabis Management is sharing tips on ensuring any products in your home are stored away from children.

The Office of Cannabis Management said if a child does accidentally ingest cannabis, immediately call a poison control center. They added it’s essential always to make sure products like cannabis edibles and beverages are stored separately from regular food and drinks.

Also, make sure you keep your products in its original packaging.

“Some other tips include keeping your cannabis in the package that you purchased it in because New York-regulated products are required to be in a child-resistant package and especially with young children, that can help slow down access,” lead epidemiologist at the New York State Office of Cannabis Management Erica Stupp said.

The Office of Cannabis Management will be holding a giveaway of special lock bags on its social media pages throughout poison prevention week.




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