Quest Diagnostics Advances Green Initiative: 40M kWh Renewable Energy, Major CO2 Cuts in Sustainability Push

December 17, 2024

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Quest Diagnostics made significant environmental progress in 2023 through multiple sustainability initiatives. The company purchased over 40 million kilowatt hours of renewable electricity and installed electric vehicle charging stations in Marlborough, Tampa, and Atlanta. Their fleet optimization reduced driving by 2.6 million miles, saving 96,000 gallons of gasoline and 845 metric tons of CO2 emissions.

The company implemented waste reduction programs at major California laboratories, diverting over 3,500 tons of medical and municipal waste from landfills, generating 1 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, and avoiding 6,900 tons of CO2-equivalent emissions. Their box optimization project achieved an 11% reduction in shipping boxes, saving 23 tons of cardboard.

Quest also obtained ISO 14001 certifications for facilities in Cleveland HeartLab and Chantilly, joining their San Juan Capistrano lab. The company established an Environmental Health Impact Committee to address climate change’s health impacts and inform related policies.

Quest Diagnostics ha fatto significativi progressi ambientali nel 2023 attraverso molteplici iniziative di sostenibilità. L’azienda ha acquistato oltre 40 milioni di chilowattora di elettricità rinnovabile e ha installato stazioni di ricarica per veicoli elettrici a Marlborough, Tampa e Atlanta. L’ottimizzazione della loro flotta ha ridotto la guida di 2,6 milioni di miglia, risparmiando 96.000 galloni di benzina e 845 tonnellate metriche di emissioni di CO2.

L’azienda ha implementato programmi di riduzione dei rifiuti nei principali laboratori della California, deviando oltre 3.500 tonnellate di rifiuti medici e municipali dalle discariche, generando 1 milione di chilowattora di elettricità e evitando 6.900 tonnellate di emissioni equivalenti di CO2. Il loro progetto di ottimizzazione delle scatole ha raggiunto una riduzione dell’11% delle scatole di spedizione, risparmiando 23 tonnellate di cartone.

Quest ha inoltre ottenuto le certificazioni ISO 14001 per le strutture di Cleveland HeartLab e Chantilly, unendosi al loro laboratorio di San Juan Capistrano. L’azienda ha istituito un Comitato per l’Impatto sulla Salute Ambientale per affrontare gli impatti della salute cambiamento climatico e informare le politiche correlate.

Quest Diagnostics logró avances ambientales significativos en 2023 a través de múltiples iniciativas de sostenibilidad. La compañía adquirió más de 40 millones de kilovatios-hora de electricidad renovable e instaló estaciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos en Marlborough, Tampa y Atlanta. La optimización de su flota redujo la conducción en 2,6 millones de millas, ahorrando 96,000 galones de gasolina y 845 toneladas métricas de emisiones de CO2.

La empresa implementó programas de reducción de desechos en los principales laboratorios de California, desviando más de 3,500 toneladas de desechos médicos y municipales de los vertederos, generando 1 millón de kilovatios-hora de electricidad y evitando 6,900 toneladas de emisiones equivalentes de CO2. Su proyecto de optimización de cajas logró una reducción del 11% en las cajas de envío, ahorrando 23 toneladas de cartón.

Quest también obtuvo certificaciones ISO 14001 para las instalaciones en Cleveland HeartLab y Chantilly, uniéndose a su laboratorio en San Juan Capistrano. La compañía estableció un Comité de Impacto en la Salud Ambiental para abordar los impactos en la salud del cambio climático e informar las políticas relacionadas.

Quest Diagnostics는 2023년 지속 가능성 이니셔티브를 통해 환경에서 상당한 발전을 이루었습니다. 이 회사는 4천만 킬로와트시 이상의 재생 가능 전기를 구매하고 Marlborough, Tampa 및 Atlanta에 전기차 충전소를 설치했습니다. 그들의 차량 최적화는 260만 마일의 주행을 줄여 96,000갤런의 휘발유와 845톤의 CO2 배출을 절감했습니다.

회사는 주요 캘리포니아 실험실에서 폐기물 감소 프로그램을 시행하여 3,500톤 이상의 의료 및 일반 폐기물을 매립지에서 차단하고, 100만 킬로와트시의 전기를 생성하며, 6,900톤의 CO2에 해당하는 배출을 피했습니다. 그들의 박스 최적화 프로젝트는 배송 박스에서 11% 감소하여 23톤의 판지를 절약했습니다.

Quest는 또한 Cleveland HeartLab 및 Chantilly의 시설에 대해 ISO 14001 인증을 취득하였고, San Juan Capistrano 실험실과 통합되었습니다. 회사는 기후 변화가 건강에 미치는 영향을 다루고 관련 정책을 알리기 위해 환경 건강 영향 위원회를 설립했습니다.

Quest Diagnostics a réalisé des avancées environnementales significatives en 2023 grâce à de multiples initiatives de durabilité. L’entreprise a acheté plus de 40 millions de kilowattheures d’électricité renouvelable et a installé des stations de recharge pour véhicules électriques à Marlborough, Tampa et Atlanta. L’optimisation de leur flotte a réduit la conduite de 2,6 millions de miles, économisant 96 000 gallons d’essence et 845 tonnes métriques d’émissions de CO2.

L’entreprise a mis en œuvre des programmes de réduction des déchets dans ses grands laboratoires en Californie, déviant plus de 3 500 tonnes de déchets médicaux et municipaux des décharges, générant 1 million de kilowattheures d’électricité et évitant 6 900 tonnes d’émissions équivalentes en CO2. Leur projet d’optimisation des boîtes a atteint une réduction de 11% des cartons d’expédition, économisant 23 tonnes de carton.

Quest a également obtenu des certifications ISO 14001 pour ses installations de Cleveland HeartLab et Chantilly, rejoignant leur laboratoire de San Juan Capistrano. La société a établi un Comité sur l’Impact Sanitaire Environnemental pour traiter les impacts du changement climatique sur la santé et informer les politiques associées.

Quest Diagnostics hat im Jahr 2023 durch mehrere Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen erhebliche Fortschritte im Umweltschutz erzielt. Das Unternehmen hat über 40 Millionen Kilowattstunden erneuerbare Energie eingekauft und Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge in Marlborough, Tampa und Atlanta installiert. Die Optimierung ihrer Flotte reduzierte die Fahrleistung um 2,6 Millionen Meilen, was 96.000 Gallonen Benzin und 845 metrische Tonnen CO2-Emissionen einspard.

Das Unternehmen hat in wichtigen Laboren in Kalifornien Programme zur Abfallreduzierung implementiert, wodurch über 3.500 Tonnen medizinischer und kommunaler Abfälle von Deponien abgeleitet, 1 Million Kilowattstunden Strom erzeugt und 6.900 Tonnen an CO2-Äquivalent-Emissionen vermieden wurden. Ihr Boxenoptimierungsprojekt erreichte eine 11%-Reduktion der Versandkartons, was 23 Tonnen Karton einspart.

Quest hat außerdem ISO 14001-Zertifizierungen für die Einrichtungen in Cleveland HeartLab und Chantilly erhalten und sich dem Labor in San Juan Capistrano angeschlossen. Das Unternehmen gründete einen Umweltgesundheitsausschuss, um die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu adressieren und entsprechende Richtlinien zu informieren.



12/17/2024 – 03:10 PM

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 17, 2024 / Quest Diagnostics

Originally published in Quest Diagnostics’ 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report

Minimizing our environmental impact

Our work to minimize our environmental impact starts within our walls. We have taken and continue to take steps to lower our carbon footprint by improving the energy efficiency of operations in our facilities as well as our logistics and transportation footprint. In addition, we have implemented programs to reduce the waste we generate.

ASSESSING OUR RENEWABLE ENERGY USE In 2023, we purchased over 40 million kilowatt hours of electricity generated from renewable energy sources. We are exploring energy-generation and purchase options that are best suited to our facilities while helping us reduce our emissions. We began investigating renewable energy credits, physical and virtual power purchase agreements, and on-site generation to determine if they might make sense for Quest in the future. This work is giving us insight into where these tactics can contribute to an overall emissions reduction strategy and target facility- and region-specific projects.

We also continued to conserve and optimize energy usage at our facilities using enterprise-wide operational best practices we developed in 2022. These practices have been implemented at more than 20 sites across the US.

SUPPORTING ELECTRIC VEHICLE TRANSITION In 2023, we built electric vehicle charging stations at labs in Marlborough MA, Tampa FL, and Atlanta GA. This is in addition to the charging stations we already have in place at our flagship lab in Clifton NJ.

We’re also working toward our goal of transitioning to alternative fuel vehicles. As of 2023, electric or hybrid vehicles account for ~2% of our fleet. Due to various factors such as supply chain challenges, our ability to source alternative fuel vehicles has been slower than planned. While we remain committed to evaluating the best path forward to progress this conversion, our goal of reaching 50% by 2026 is under review and subsequently may be updated.

In 2023, we continued to optimize courier routes-reducing our fleet miles driven by approximately 2.6 million miles, gasoline consumption by approximately 96,000 gallons, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by approximately 845 metric tons.

REDUCING AND ELIMINATING WASTE We have a multi-pronged approach to reduce waste generated and minimize waste to landfill. Quest implemented new programs to reduce waste generation, reuse materials where possible, and maximize recycling efforts. Where materials cannot be reasonably reused or recycled, a waste-to-energy strategy has been implemented instead of landfill. By the end of 2023, we installed on-site medical waste treatment technology at our 2 major hub laboratories in California. Through this technology, recycling efforts, and the use of waste-to-energy, in 2023 we eliminated infectious waste outputs from these labs and diverted over 3,500 tons of medical and municipal waste from landfill. This effort generated over 1 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, and avoided over 6,900 tons of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gases. We continue to assess and explore innovations in waste management to reduce our environmental impact.

“We approach reducing our environmental footprint with the same diligence and discipline with which we handle our specimens. I am proud of the foundation we have built thus far, and look forward to our continued sustainability work.”


Reducing packaging and emissions

In 2022, we launched a box optimization project, leveraging an innovative software solution to decrease the number of boxes we ship with collection supplies. In 2023, the program yielded an 11% reduction in boxes (which equates to 84,000 boxes, or 23 tons of cardboard). This program also cut down the number of trips needed to transport these shipments, further reducing our emissions.

STRENGTHENING OUR WAYS OF WORKING As we progress along our sustainability journey, we are investing in the internal systems and capabilities needed to set us up for success, including through enhanced coordination and collaboration. In 2023, we developed a cross-functional approach to oversight of our environmental sustainability disclosure and reporting, including committees specifically focused on data collection, calculation, and assurance. In addition, to improve the quality of our Scope 3 reporting, we worked to secure third-party limited assurance regarding some of that Scope 3 data (specifically categories 1, 4, and 5). We plan to use this data along with our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions to better understand our environmental impact.

STANDARDIZING FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE In 2023, we continued to focus on obtaining ISO 14001 certifications for our lab facilities. ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized management system that leverages leadership involvement and employee engagement to:

  • Help organizations ensure compliance with regulatory standards

  • Improve their environmental performance

  • Provide a competitive advantage and gain the trust of stakeholders

  • Achieve strategic goals by incorporating environmental issues into business management

This certification demonstrates Quest’s commitment to environmental management and regulatory compliance. In 2023, we achieved ISO 14001 certifications for our Cleveland HeartLab and laboratory facility in Chantilly VA-this is in addition to our lab in San Juan Capistrano which received certification in 2022, bringing our total certified facilities to 3.

Exploring the links between environmental and human health

Quest is exploring the impact environmental changes have on human health and well-being. In 2023, we launched an Environmental Health Impact Committee to address intertwined environmental and health issues. The Committee meets to discuss how Quest solutions can help address the health impacts of climate change, and to leverage insights from Quest’s diagnostic testing to inform conversation and policy around climate change and public health.

Sustainability | Quest Diagnostics

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SOURCE: Quest Diagnostics

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How much renewable energy did Quest Diagnostics purchase in 2023?

Quest Diagnostics purchased over 40 million kilowatt hours of electricity from renewable energy sources in 2023.

What waste reduction achievements did Quest Diagnostics report in 2023?

Quest diverted over 3,500 tons of medical and municipal waste from landfills, generated 1 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, and avoided 6,900 tons of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gases through their waste management initiatives.

How many miles did Quest Diagnostics reduce from their fleet operations in 2023?

Quest optimized courier routes to reduce fleet miles by approximately 2.6 million miles, resulting in 96,000 gallons less gasoline consumption and 845 metric tons less CO2 emissions.

What percentage of Quest Diagnostics’ fleet is electric or hybrid as of 2023?

As of 2023, electric or hybrid vehicles account for approximately 2% of Quest Diagnostics’ fleet.

How many ISO 14001 certifications does Quest Diagnostics now have?

Quest Diagnostics has three ISO 14001 certified facilities: Cleveland HeartLab, Chantilly VA lab (both certified in 2023), and San Juan Capistrano lab (certified in 2022).

What was the impact of Quest Diagnostics’ box optimization project in 2023?

The box optimization project achieved an 11% reduction in shipping boxes, equivalent to 84,000 boxes or 23 tons of cardboard saved.