State of the Earth’s Environment, 2025 PART 3

March 12, 2025

Please join us for a presentation about the state of the earth’s environment by NCCCA president Joe Houde. This is the third of a three-part series.

In this presentation we will focus on action, what do the planetary boundaries imply about desirable local action? We’ll explore using the “PBs” to inform Climate Action Plan (CAP) initiatives and desirable resilience actions. While CAPs are highly desirable roadmaps to action, we will demonstrate that every CAP can be improved using the PB framework. We will conclude with a call to action needed in every community.

There will be time allotted for Q&A.

There is no charge for this online event, but you must register in advance. Once you do, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to join the meeting. This will also enable us to inform you if there are any last-minute announcements, instructions, or other information. Thank you.


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