SWI initiates coverage on Medical Imaging Corp. (OTC:MEDD)
August 2, 2016
SWI has initiated coverage on Medical Imaging Corp. (OTC:MEDD). Medical Imaging Corp., (“MEDD”) provides medical diagnostic imaging services in the United States and Canada. Since early 2010, MEDD has focused on the acquisition of existing full service imaging clinics located in the United States. MEDD also owns Custom Teleradiology Services Inc., (“CTS”). CTS provides remote reading of medical diagnostic imaging scans for rural hospitals and clinics in Canada.
MEDD acquires and operates profitable Medical Imaging Businesses
MEDD acquires and operates profitable medical imaging businesses that have a proven track record with a large physician referral bases, expedient insurance payees, modern equipment and aggressive plans for expansion.
MEDD operates wholly owned Subsidiaries
MEDD operates five (5) wholly owned subsidiaries. SMI is located in Pennsylvania, which provides MRI, CT & X-ray scans. Partners Imaging Centers of Venice (PV), Charlotte (PC) and Naples (PN), which are located on the west coast of Florida, offer MRI, CT and other medical scans. CTS, a Teleradiology company is in the process of assessing and reporting on radiology images, such as X-rays, CTs, and MRIs, from remote locations.
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