SWI Portfolio Again Outperforms S&P By 32.5% Gains 23% Year-to-Date

April 23, 2018

Los Angeles, Calif., April 23, 2018. We can only repeat it over and over; thorough due diligence, long term planning combined with consistency does the trick, especially in such turbulent times as we have experienced since the beginning of this year. Don’t let your, emotions run amok and trade on emotional “knee-jerk” reactions; stick with “The Plan”. If you have followed our SWI Portfolio Reports, we are proof that solid due diligence and sticking to a well thought-out long term plan, especially under volatile conditions, will typically end up producing solid ROI. Strictly following this principle, we are proud to report that our SWI portfolio again has outperformed the S&P by a wide margin. 

SWI Portfolio Gains 23% – S&P Looses 11.3% Year-to-Date

This is a spread of 33.5%, which even for the most skeptical mind should establish the SWI portfolio as a reliable source of information for investors to produce significant returns, even under the most difficult circumstances. Still, you should not abandon your methodology and your typical due diligence process, or change your risk tolerance levels. Stick with your plan. Discipline and consistency will serve you well over the long term.
Or, follow our SWI portfolio, a portfolio that has a track record of stellar performance over nearly three years now, producing a gain of 263% since inception. During the same time period the S&P has gained 31.7%.

S&P Gain 31.7% – SWI Gains 263% – Three Years-to-Date

If you have followed us, you know that we have acquired positions for every stock in the SWI Portfolio and published this performance report since we launched the Portfolio, making our performance stats completely transparent for our readers. Since inception nearly three years ago, our SWI Portfolio has consistently outperformed the major indices and most “Big-Firm” research portfolios; and the gap is widening. Our research team is always scouting the markets for new and exceptional opportunities to add to the portfolio.

SWI Adds Livewire Ergogenics, Inc (OTC:LVVV)

Talking about exceptional opportunities. We have taken the unusual step of adding LiveWire Ergogenics, Inc (OTC:LVVV) to the SWI Portfolio since the SWI Research division had commenced covering LVVV in August of last year with the release of an initial research report. Unusual, as in far as StockWatchIndex typically does not get involved in “triple zero” penny stocks. In the case of LVVV, and after intense due diligence, the entire SWI team felt that we should make LVVV an exception. A sign of good things to come? We certainly believe so.
An increase of 1,233% since initial coverage should speak for itself? We are not expecting the increase to continue at the same pace, but if you are interested in getting involved in a solidly managed company with great opportunities in a still volatile, but high-expectation cannabis market, this might be a great pick. We expect LiveWire Ergogenics to consistently improve performance over an extended period of time , as most of our SWI Portfolio positions have shown over the last three years.
We also encourage you to follow the companies that we are covering on our StockWatchIndex (SWI) website, in our “QuickPicks” reports and with our SWI Research Reports on SWI Research.com. The SWI website is updated at least once daily with the latest news on the companies we cover and important news highlighting market trends, mainly in BioTech, Technology, Cannabis and other disruptive developments and what we believe to be solid investment opportunities.

Power in Numbers 

We will never publish sensational headlines about any of the stocks that we have acquired, companies that we represent or have issued research reports on. We simply do the research, report the facts and let our performance track record speak for itself. Considering our solid 3-year track record, it should be worthwhile following our coverage and spreading the word. There is power in numbers. If you like our reports and our transparency, we would appreciate if you recommended us to your friends.

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