Thank You to Tama County!

March 28, 2025

Paul Lovell.

Last night (March 26), I attended the Tama County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. I attended on behalf of the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa (CEDI) to speak about the economic benefits of renewable energy projects. The Tama Clean Energy District (TCED) is a member of CEDI. I also encouraged the county to take a comprehensive view when judging the worth of a renewable energy project. I want to thank the commissioners and residents who attended the meeting for giving me the opportunity to speak and to answer questions to the best of my ability. Everyone was respectful, and even though we didn’t agree on everything, I felt like we had a productive dialogue. By chance, I sat next to Lynn & Jeff Cizek and had a wonderful conversation with them. My hope is that everyone thought I listened as well.

After a meeting, I like to review, think, and digest what was discussed. Several general underlying themes became apparent to me after talking to residents and commissioners:

1. Concern about community benefits. The feeling that some people/companies benefitted more, or at the expense of others;

2. Lack of transparency or fairness in the process. Developers need to be open in the planning stage and engage with residents at the very beginning of the proposed project;

3. Concern about the impacts on farming and the soil. Concern this natural resource is destroyed;

4. Concern about aesthetics and potential impacts on property values.

Regarding solar energy projects, attendees and commissioners seemed open to community solar projects. Also known as shared solar, these are smaller scale solar projects, usually 5 – 20 acres in size. They are connected directly to the grid within the service area of the utility providing electricity. Participants can buy or lease a portion of the solar panels and receive credits on their electricity bills for the power produced by their share of the solar array. This allows individuals, businesses, and organizations to benefit from solar energy even if they cannot install solar panels on their own properties. These projects are generally designed to maximize local benefits, while promoting the use of clean, renewable energy sources.

I encourage Tama County leaders and residents to draft ordinances that will help facilitate community solar projects and not be so restrictive that they become essentially banned. I once again want to thank the commissioners and attendees for a thoughtful and respectful meeting. Kent Scheid, TCED, and I are more than willing to assist the county in any way.

I also want to shout out and thank the Flaming Office Bar & Grill in Toledo for a delicious tenderloin!

Paul Lovell is executive director of the non-profit organization Howard County Energy District (HCED); he is also renewable energy siting program manager for the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa (CEDI). Lovell grew up on the family farm near Morrison and is a proud graduate of Reinbeck High School.