The Wheel of Time is back for season three, and so are our weekly recaps
March 15, 2025
Andrew Cunningham and Lee Hutchinson have spent decades of their lives with Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson’s Wheel of Time books, and they previously brought that knowledge to bear as they recapped each first season episode and second season episode of Amazon’s WoT TV series. Now we’re back in the saddle for season three—along with insights, jokes, and the occasional wild theory.
These recaps won’t cover every element of every episode, but they will contain major spoilers for the show and the book series. We’ll do our best to not spoil major future events from the books, but there’s always the danger that something might slip out. If you want to stay completely unspoiled and haven’t read the books, these recaps aren’t for you.
New episodes of The Wheel of Time season three will be posted for Amazon Prime subscribers every Thursday. This write-up covers the entire three-episode season premiere, which was released on March 13.
This season’s premiere simply whips, balancing big action set-pieces and smaller character moments in between. But the whole production seems to be hitting a confident stride. The cast has gelled; they know what book stuff they’re choosing to adapt and what they’re going to skip. I’m sure there will still be grumbles, but the show does finally feel like it’s become its own thing.
Rosamund Pike returns as as Moiraine Damodred.
Courtesy of Prime/Amazon MGM Studios
Trying to straight-up recap three hours of TV isn’t going to happen in the space we have available, so we’ll probably bounce around a bit. What I wanted to talk about first was exactly what you mentioned: unlike seasons one and two, this time, the show seems to have found itself and locked right in. To me, it feels kind of like Star Trek: The Next Generation’s third season versus its first two.
The one Big Overarching Plot Thing to know for book readers is that they’re basically doing book 4 (The Shadow Rising) this season, with other odds and ends tucked in. So even if it gets canceled after this, at least they will have gotten to do what I think is probably the series’ high point.
Rand is doing all of this because both the angel and the devil on Rand’s shoulders—that’s the Aes Sedai Moiraine Damodred with cute blue angel wings and the Forsaken Lanfear in fancy black leather BDSM gear—want him wielding Callandor, The Sword That is Not a Sword (as poor Mat Cauthon explains in the Old Tongue). This powerful sa’angreal is located in the heart of the Stone of Tear (it’s the sword in the stone, get it?!), and its removal from the Stone is a major prophetic sign that the Dragon has indeed come again.
Book three is dedicated to showing how all that happens—but, like you said, we’re not in book three anymore. We’re gonna eat our book 4 dessert before our book 3 broccoli!
But I am totally willing to accept that Morgase change because the alternative is chapters and chapters of people yapping about consolidating political support and daes dae’mar and on and on. Bo-ring!
But speaking of Morgase and Forsaken, we’re starting to spend a little time with all the new baddies who got released at the end of last season. How do you feel about the ones we’ve met so far? I know we were generally supportive of the fact that the show is just choosing to have fewer of them in the first place.
But yes, the Forsaken. We know from season two that we’re going to be seeing fewer than in the books—I believe we’ve got eight of them to deal with, and we meet almost all of them in our three-episode opening blast. I’m very much enjoying Moghedien’s portrayal by Laia Costa, but of course Lanfear is stealing the show and chewing all the scenery. It will be fascinating to see how the show lets the others loose—we know from the books that every one of the Forsaken has a role to play (including one specific Forsaken whose existence has yet to be confirmed but who figures heavily into Rand learning more about how the One Power works), and while some of those roles can be dropped without impacting the story, several definitely cannot.
And although Elaida isn’t exactly a Forsaken, it was awesome to see Shohreh Aghdashloo bombing around the White Tower looking fabulous as hell. Chrisjen Avasarala would be proud.
Meeting Morgase in these early episodes means we also meet Gaebril, and the show only fakes viewers out for a few scenes before revealing what book-readers know: that he’s the Forsaken Rahvin. But I really love how these scenes play, particularly his with Elayne. After one weird, brief look, they fall into a completely convincing chummy, comfortable stepdad-stepdaughter relationship, and right after that, you find out that, oops, nope, he’s been there for like 15 minutes and has successfully One Power’d everyone into believing he’s been in their lives for decades.
It’s something that we’re mostly told-not-shown in the books, and it really sells how powerful and amoral and manipulative all these characters are. Trust is extremely hard to come by in Randland, and this is why.
And along the lines of unassuming folks, we get our first look at a Gray Man and the hella creepy mechanism by which they’re created. I can’t recall in the books if Moghedien is explicitly mentioned as being able to fashion the things, but she definitely can in the show! (And it looks uncomfortable as hell. “Never accept an agreement that involves the forcible removal of one’s soul” is an axiom I try to live by.)
Olivia Williams as Queen Morgase Trakand and Shohreh Aghdashloo as Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan.
Courtesy of Prime/Amazon MGM Studios
As we try to wind down this talk about three very busy episodes, is there anything you aren’t currently vibing with? I feel like Josha Stradowski’s Rand is getting lost in the shuffle a bit, despite this nominally being his story.
I’m overjoyed the show is unafraid to shine a spotlight on queer characters, and I’m also desperately glad that we aren’t being held hostage by Robert Jordan’s kinks—like, we haven’t seen a single Novice or Accepted get spanked, women don’t peel off their tops in private meetings to prove that they’re women, and rather than titillation or weirdly uncomfortable innuendo, these characters are just straight-up screwing. (The Amyrlin even notes that she’s not sure the Novices “will ever recover” after Gawyn and Galad come to—and all over—town.)
If I had to pick a moment that I enjoyed the most out of the premiere, it would probably be the entire first episode—which in spite of its length kept me riveted the entire time. I love the momentum, the feeling of finally getting the show that I’d always hoped we might get rather than the feeling of having to settle.
How about you? Dislikes? Loves?
Ceara Coveney as Elayne Trakand and Ayoola Smart as Aviendha, and they’re thinking about exactly what you think they’re thinking about.
Courtesy of Prime/Amazon MGM Studios
There were two particular scenes/moments that I really enjoyed. Rand and Perrin and Mat just hang out, as friends, for a while in the first episode, and it’s very charming. We’re told in the books constantly that these three boys are lifelong pals, but (to the point about Unavailable Men we were talking about earlier) we almost never get to see actual evidence of this, either because they’re physically split up or because they’re so wrapped up in their own stuff that they barely want to speak to each other.
I also really liked that brief moment in the first episode where a Black Ajah Aes Sedai’s Warder dies, and she’s like, “hell yeah, this feels awesome, this is making me horny because of how evil I am.” Sometimes you don’t want shades of gray—sometimes you just need some cartoonishly unambiguous villainy.
We close out our three-episode extravaganza with Mat having his famous stick fight with Zoolander-esque male models Gawyn and Galad, Liandrin and the Black Ajah setting up shop (and tying off some loose ends) in Tanchico, Perrin meeting Faile and Lord Luc in the Two Rivers, and Rand in the Aiel Waste, preparing to do—well, something important, one can be sure.
We’ll leave things here for now. Expect us back next Friday to talk about episode four, which, based on the preview trailers already showing up online, will involve a certain city in the desert, wherein deep secrets will be revealed.
Mia dovienya nesodhin soende, Andrew!
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