Trump’s EPA announces aggressive rollback of environmental protections
March 14, 2025
NOTE: If you are short on time, watch the video and complete this See, Think, Wonder activity: What did you notice? What did the story make you think about? What would you want to learn more about?
The Environmental Protection Agency announced what it called the ‘biggest deregulatory action in U.S. history.’ Administrator Lee Zeldin’s proposals include a call to upend the basis for the EPA’s climate change actions and impact rules on emissions limits, wastewater regulations and air quality standards. Stephanie Sy discussed more with Zack Colman of Politico.
View the transcript of the story. News alternative: Check out recent segments from the News Hour, and choose the story you’re most interested in watching. You can make a Google doc copy of discussion questions that work for any of the stories here.
Key terms
deregulation — the act or process of removing restrictions and regulations. Officials might commit to deregulation to promote growth and business.
- What is the EPA?
- When was the EPA created?
- How might the Trump administration attempt to deregulate the EPA?
- Why are Democrats and environmentalists criticizing this announcement?
- What benefits does the Trump administration claim that deregulation of the EPA will have?
The EPA also announced that it was shuttering its Environmental Justice offices, which help communities who have been disproportionately burdened with pollution.
Why do you think the Trump administration wants to eliminate Environmental Justice? Who is someone that might benefit from this? Explain your response.
Media literacy: What forms of pollution affect your community and how? Do you think it’s important to regulate pollution and climate change?
Watch this video to learn more about new EPA administrator Lee Zeldin. Discuss with a classmate whether you think the changes Zeldin might bring to the EPA will have a positive or negative effect on the environment.
Watch the video below to hear Sen. Bernie Sanders ask Lee Zeldin about his and Trump’s positions on climate change.
Read this article for an example of past EPA regulations put in place to help protect Americans from environmental hazards.
Written by Gianfranco Beran, PBS News Hour Classroom’s production assistant, and News Hour’s Victoria Pasquantonio.
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