Woman Shares Why AI Is Really Bad For The Environment: “So Stop Using It”

March 23, 2025

Artificial intelligence seems to have taken over the internet in recent years. From helping jobseekers craft the perfect resume to creating the most bizarre “art” the world has ever seen, ChatGPT and other similar programs are happy to assist users with whatever they ask for.

But have you ever taken time to consider the environmental impacts of using generative AI? One woman, Nikita Redkar, is urging internet users to reconsider how often they use ChatGPT after becoming aware of just how much water and energy it takes to keep programs like this running. Below, you’ll find a video she shared breaking down how AI harms the planet, as well as some of the replies viewers shared.

Generative AI has exploded in popularity in recent years

Image credits: Sanket Mishra (not the actual photo)

But this woman wants users to be aware of just how harmful these programs can be to the environment

Image credits: nikitadumptruck


Image credits: nikitadumptruck


Image credits: nikitadumptruck

Image credits: nikitadumptruck

You can hear Nikita’s full explanation right here


@nikitadumptruckWhy AI is destroying our environment!! Chat gpt is trained off YOUR BRAINS let’s go back to raw doggin thoughts♬ original sound – 💗 Bimbo University 💗

Data centers for AI programs are expected to keep increasing their water consumption in coming years

If you’re a huge fan of artificial intelligence, you might not be thrilled to hear this information. After all, ChatGPT can help you make a meal plan for the week, give you a digestible summary of that book you’ve been trying to read for months or help you talk through your relationship issues. But we can’t ignore the effect it’s having on the planet.

First, let’s start with the claims Nikita made in her video, as some readers pointed out that they wanted to see sources for her information. AXIOS reports that, it’s true, Microsoft’s data centers in West Des Moines, Iowa, were responsible for 6% of the town’s total water usage during the summers of 2022 and 2023. And The Washington Post reported in 2023 that Google admitted to using over a quarter of the water supply in The Dalles, Oregon, to keep their servers cool. 

As far as how much water it takes to write a 100-word email with ChatGPT’s help, The Washington Post revealed that it really does take 519 milliliters, or a little more than one standard water bottle, to keep equipment cool and functioning properly.


If you’re wondering how exactly this water is used, The Times has a nice graph breaking it down that you can find here. They also note that Google used 24,227 megaliters of water in 2023, which is equivalent to filling 9,691 Olympic sized swimming pools. It’s also the same amount of water that you might use if you took 372.7 million showers.

By 2027, AI data centers around the world are expected to guzzle 4.2-6.6 billion cubic meters of water, which is about half as much water as the entire UK uses in a year.

Image credits: Jonathan Kemper (not the actual photo)

ChatGPT’s carbon footprint is equivalent to taking 260 transatlantic flights a month

And it’s not only water that generative AI programs need. According to a study by KnownHost, ChatGPT’s carbon footprint is equivalent to taking 260 transatlantic flights each month. The data centers needed to keep these programs running require round the clock energy consumption. They also create electronic waste, which puts harmful chemicals into our environment. 

So why should we care about how AI is impacting the planet? Well, the United Nations reports that 2.2 billion people around the globe already lack access to safely managed drinking water services, and 2 billion people live in nations experiencing “high water stress.” It’s hard to justify wasting such a valuable resource that could literally save lives on simply keeping computers cool.


The International Energy Agency also reports that asking ChatGPT a question uses 10 times the amount of electricity that a simple Google search needs. You probably already know that energy consumption contributes to climate change by creating carbon emissions, warming the planet and, in turn, creating more natural disasters.

Everything on the planet is connected, and every choice that we make has an impact. The UNEP is urging countries and tech companies to make AI more sustainable by building greener data centers, creating more efficient algorithms and being transparent about the impacts AI has on the environment. But if you’re looking to reduce your own carbon footprint, you might want to start by removing ChatGPT from your life.     

Image credits: Berke Citak (not the actual photo)

Many viewers were skeptical and admitted that they have no intentions to stop using AI


However, others appreciated the information and swore off AI


Thanks! Check out the results:


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